Some items. These are the items:
I finished a first draft of a book! Is it a good first draft? Oh, heavens, no! Hopefully it will be a better second draft, and by the time my editor sees it, perhaps even a halfway decent book. Lisa and I celebrated with adobada burritos overlooking a stupidly beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Jenn Reese’s blog post about books for boys and books for girls, and how and when the twain shall meet, or ought to meet, and which compares and contrasts some of the marketing and story characteristics of The Boy at the End of the World and Stephanie Burgis’s Kat, Incorrigible/A Most Improper Magick.
Not having gone to Clarion, I didn’t know that I would be in any way impacted by Clarion moving to San Diego, which, as some may be aware from the pics I post of blue water and the words I utter about the awesome burritos, is the town in which I currently reside. But I’ve been going to the Clarion instructor readings at Mysterious Galaxy. So far I’ve been to Nina Kiriki Hoffman‘s reading, and John Scalzi‘s reading (which was followed up by a very pleasant sushi dinner with him and his family and a college friend of John’s who had actually read one of my books, which was neat for me). And tonight I’m going to try to make Elizabeth Bear‘s reading, which will have been preceded (these verb tenses are correct, though complicated) by beers this past weekend (something we’d talked about doing for years at various conventions but had never quite managed), and hanging out with some of the Clarion students. I’m starting to feel more of a connection to the SF community here, and plus it’s also just nice when interesting people come to town and I have an opportunity to spend some time with them.
There. Those were my items. May your day be filled with your own items, and may your items be good.