Update on future projects
Hello, people who would like to know about things. I believe there are a few of you, because you’ve tweeted @ me and/or emailed me, and the things you would like to know are this:
1. When is California Bones coming out? That is your question. My answer is, like, Spring 2014. The book is written and edited and is currently with my publisher, Tor Books, who are transforming it from a story and a manuscript to an actual book with an awesome cover and a sales/marketing plan and all that good stuff.
2. What’s next after California Bones? That is your question. My answer is, Book 2 of the California Bones trilogy. There’s been some discussion of a fast-release schedule, so rather than the fairly customary year between books, it might be less. Maybe six months? I’m not sure, things could change, but that would be cool, wouldn’t it? And then, after Book 2, Book 3 will follow.
3. Any plans for a Boy at the End of the World sequel? This is actually the question I get most often from readers. The only thing I can say to this is that, yes, in some form, at some time, the story of Fisher and Protein the mammoth and the weaponized prairie dogs will continue, along with new characters, such as Hunter and Guide. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
4. What else are you working on? There’s another middle-grade thing that I’m working on, when I’m not working on other things. I’m adding just a few paragraphs to it every day, but if I keep doing that with consistency, I could possibly have a first draft by the end of summer. I will tell you that it involves robots.
Thanks sincerely for your interest. Readers who are actually interested in my future projects are very much appreciated, and not something I’ll never take for granted. Anything else you want to know?