California Bones – the comic?
Well, yes, actually, there is a California Bones comic. Right now it’s a one-shot consisting of a nine-page story, a three-page vignette, and five character pin-ups, all drawn by the remarkably talented and pitch-perfect Ryan Cody. We’ll be bringing copies for purchase to Phoenix Comicon, possibly a few dozen copies to give away at San Diego Comic-Con, and arrangements are being made to post it for free somewhere online. In addition, I’ll be offering it at a nominal price at Comixology and a small number will be on sale in the next week or so on Etsy. (Etsy isn’t just about squid-shaped coffee mugs, you know.)
This is my first comic, and it was ridiculously fun and rewarding to work in a medium I’ve been a fan of since forever, and one I’ve aspired to work in for almost as long. And, seriously, Ryan knocked it out of the park.
I would love to do more. In fact, right now I’m working out details to collaborate with an artist on a four-page story based on one of my flash fiction pieces. Since I’m paying the artists who work with me a decent rate, this is not a money-making endeavor for me. In fact, it’s pretty costly. But if I can find a way to make it economically feasible, I’ll do more.
In the mean time, here’s a look at the cover and a peek inside.